November 3, 2018
“Cities in World History” Buckingham, Browne & Nichols School, Cambridge, MA
Call for Participants
NERWHA welcomes proposals from teachers, research scholars, and students on any aspect relating to its theme “Cities in World History.” Proposals may be for an entire panel, a round table, a single paper, a workshop, or a poster. All proposals should address a city or group of cities from a world history perspective. For example, a world history perspective would include: panels that focus on ports, capital cities, or other urban centers that were links within wide-ranging networks; a paper that studies a creole city: a round table or workshop on diaspora cities; or a poster that illustrates how a particular city served as a center of cultural interchange.
Each panel proposal should contain a list of the participants (including each participant’s e-mail address), a one-page CV of each participant, and an abstract of no more than 300 words for each proposed paper. All items should be contained within a single MS Word document. No panel may contain more than 3 presenters, plus a chair and, if desired, a commentator. Each paper must extend for no more than 20 minutes, and commentary should be no longer than ten minutes. Panel sessions will last 90 minutes.
Round table proposals should contain a list of participants, a one-page CV of each participant (including each participant’s e-mail address), and a single abstract of no more than 500 words that outlines the general theme and direction of the round table. All items should be contained within a single MS Word document. No round table should include more than five participants, and each will be limited to an initial ten-minute comment. Round tables will last 90 minutes.
It is important to allow sufficient time for discussion in all paper-panel and roundtable sessions. For this reason, time limits must be strictly maintained.
Proposals for single papers, workshops, and posters should be accompanied by a one-page CV of the presenter (including an email address) and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Papers may extend for no more than 20 minutes, and a workshop will last no more than 90 minutes. Workshops may have multiple leaders; if so, a CV of each is required. All items must be contained within a single MS Word document.
To view or download the registration form, click this link.
To go to the online registration page, click this link.
To view the symposium program, click this link.
Information About Directions for Getting to BB&N and Parking:
Please note! BB&N has THREE (3) campuses. The NERWHA symposium will be held at the Upper School campus at 80 Gerry’s Landing, Cambridge. MA 02138 (in case you wish to put it on your GPS). To enter the building where the symposium registration will take place, use the main entrance, marked (1) on the campus map below. Note that there is public parking close to this entrance.
To access or print a campus map,click this link.
Driving from Boston, one crosses the Eliot Bridge onto the Cambridge side of the Charles River at the end of Storrow Drive, the beginning of Soldiers Field Road. The link below will give you more specific driving instructions.
To access or print driving directions to BB&N,click this link.
There is ample parking at the school.
If you have any questions regarding the symposium, please contact Al Andrea, NERWHA Secretary.
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